Friday 31 August 2018

Getting Nervous...

This week is my last official week at work and then I'll be setting off into my journey of becoming a student. I literally don't think I've ever had to deal with this level of nervousness and excitement all in one go. I'm so excited to be starting a new journey and adventure but also the worry that comes along with that. This will be the first time I have moved away from home, the first time where I will have had to solely rely on my own finances and also will have to be a fully fledged adult and do all sorts of adulty things.

Not only do I have to worry about keeping myself alive, but you also have the worries of 'will I enjoy this when I get there' 'what if the people I live with don't get on with me' 'what if I'm a giant wimp and start to freak out as soon as I arrive'. Just some mad thoughts of a rambling worrier. 

One way in which my anxiety likes to come out is to disrupt my sleep. I'll sometimes be waking up every hour on the hour. The only way I have managed to shut my brain off is to get a glass of water and then count sheep until I drift off again, and then repeat in another hour when my body decides to have another dream about leaving for University.

I have no tips for this type of worry. So far all I have managed to do is talk about it to those around me and remind myself that although this is a massive and scary adventure, EVERYBODY who I know that has been to university has come out with some of the best memories they have ever made and that is what is keeping me going. 

Also, whats the worst that could happen, I don't like it, I come home and I try something new.

It's late and this probably made very little sense but sometimes you just have to keep typing or talking. 


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